Friday, November 19, 2010

Multi location inventory accounting

.You can store your goods in different locations in warehouses,store rooms and shelves. However, you should always know where they are.Can your inventory system help you? Sure.
First,you have to add storage locations to your inventory system at the Company&Locations form.
Select in the left menu the item Lists-Company&Locations and click on the toolbar button New. Enter a name of your location and click on the OK button.You can add several locations and even add child storage location in the warehouse. You should define such locations as sublocation of the big warehouse.
You can use these locations in item receipts or invoices. If you are receiving goods to the Warehouse#1 you have to select it in the drop down Location list at the Item Receipt Form. If you shipped goods from the Warehouse#2 you have to define this location at the Invoice Edit form. The inventory program wiil increase or decrease quantity on hand in in the corresponding stock.At any point you can open the Item form and click on the On Hand button to get distribution of your product by locations.You can read more about How to create an inventory system here.

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