Saturday, June 23, 2012

IT Garden Diary-Second step -define plant care

Each plant requires care. It can be watering, fertilizing, weeding, pruning, etc.You have to do each procedure in a particular time and place. IT Garden Diary will help you organize all of these procedures and will remind you what  to do today and where. Open the Plant list and click on the button "Care" for any plant. Click the button "Create new". Enter all needed parameters for this procedure Start Date, End Date and Repeat every.

Save this procedure and check the Todo list. You'll see several new deals in it .
Click on the button Map and you'll see the a small markers with a tractor  on the map of your garden. There are places of your today works. Click on any marker and you will see what should you do.

IT Garden Diary-First step adding plants

First of all, you should register your garden at . Then click on the Map icon and find your place at Google Maps. Click the button "Draw bound" and draw bound of your garden on the map. After that, click the button "Save bound".
Now, you can place plants on the map using the button "Add plant" . You should enter a name for each plant in the prompt dialog box. Click the button "Save plants" and IT Garden Diary will save all locations at the garden map.If you open the Plant list you'll see all added plants in it. You can edit any records and enter additional information about your plants. itgardendiary

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Why I've created Garden Diary

This application was created at the request of my wife Victoria. She loves house plants and cares for a small indoor garden. Several times I started working on this problem, but every time delayed due to other cases. At first, I planned to write a small program for desktop computers, but then I thought that the gardeners are not very convinient to walk around the garden with a computer. As time went on sale tablets iPad, Andoid and other. But I did not know very well how to write applications for them. So I decided to make a web application running on any device. It's really cool when any user starts to work immediately with your application without any installations and configurations. Now that everything is almost ready I can say what Garden Diary can do. First, you can record all your plants, along with their pictures. Then enter for each plant the necessary procedures that you do on a regular basis such as watering, fertilizing, weeding and so on. All procedures are automatically placed in the to-do list that needs to be done, and then implement them in your annual Gardener's Journal. Just in time to create this application, I listened to amazing lectures by Steve Huffman on where he suggested how to use Google Map in own web applications. It was a great idea. Now, any gardener can show all his plants directly on the map and the program will show when and where he should work now. I hope Garden Diary will be useful not only my wife but also to other gardeners and plant lovers. itgardendiary